''Nanking'' is a Japanese war propaganda film released in the year 1938. It was filmed directed by Ken Akimoto and filmed by Shigeru Shirai of the Toho Film Company, and was produced in association with the Army Special Services Division (Tokumubu ) and the Cultural Films Division.〔Stuart Galbraith, The Toho Studios Story: A History and Complete Filmography (Lanham NJ: Scarecrow Press, 2008) 20.〕 The film is composed of footage shot inside and outside the walls of the city of Nanking just after the end of the Battle of Nanking during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The movie was planned out in conjunction with the documentary ''Shanghai'' on the Battle of Shanghai in anticipation that the advance on Nanking would follow. After the shooting of ''Shanghai'' wrapped up the equipment used for that movie was passed on to ''Nankings camera crew who departed for Nanking before dawn on December 12, 1937. They arrived on December 14 the day after the city's fall, spent New Year's there, and continued shooting until January 4.〔Noriaki Tsuchimoto, "亀井文夫・『上海』から『戦ふ兵隊』まで," in講座日本映画5 戦後映画の展開 (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1987), 330-331.〕〔Jinshi Fujii, "上海・南京・北京―東宝文化映画部〈大陸都市三部作〉の地政学," in 日本映画史叢書② 映画と「大東亜共栄圏 ed. Kenji Iwamoto (Tokyo: Shinwasha, 2004), 111.〕 Considered for a long time as a lost film, it was discovered in Beijing, China, in the year 1995, though about ten minutes of footage is missing.〔Jinshi Fujii, "上海・南京・北京―東宝文化映画部〈大陸都市三部作〉の地政学," in 日本映画史叢書② 映画と「大東亜共栄圏 ed. Kenji Iwamoto (Tokyo: Shinwasha, 2004), 125.〕 A DVD copy has been released by Nippon Eiga Shinsha. == Contents == ''Nanking'' includes commentary on the locations of each military confrontation during the battle interspersed with footage of Japanese soldiers giving cigarettes to Chinese POWs, the Japanese Army's victory parade through the city, a joint service for the war dead, the refugee area set up by the International Committee known as the Nanking Safety Zone, rebuilding by the Japanese Army and residents of Nanking of battle damage to the city, civilians returning to their homes, the work of nurses from the Red Cross,〔Nurses from the Red Cross had arrived in Nanking on December 28, 1937. See Akiyoshi Yonezawa, "南京 撮影日誌," 映画と演芸, 1938.〕 the Japanese Army's issuing of identification papers to the Chinese they deemed to be law-abiding citizens,〔This was called "proof of living peacefully" in documents on the pacification of Nanking. See (南京事件資料集 「南京特務機関」 )〕 preparations for the new year and New Year's Day in the Japanese Army, Chinese children playing with firecrackers on New Year's Day, and the inaugural ceremony of the Nanking Self-Government Committee.〔(南京大虐殺はウソだ! 「ビデオ「南京」」 )〕〔(映画『南京の真実』公式サイト )〕 A message in the film's subtitles reads "Even within our glorious history full of battles fought as one nation, our entry into Nanking with remain as a brilliant chapter in world history. We gift this film to future generations in memory of that day. This film was completed with the support and guidance of the Army Ministry, Navy Ministry, and officers and men in the field." File:Nanking Entry Ceremony.jpg|Victory parade of December 17 File:Message of condolence of Matsui.jpg|Service for the war dead on December 18 File:Nanking nurse 2.jpg|A nurse cuts the hair of an injured soldier File:Address of Tao Hsi-shan.jpg|Inaugural ceremony of the Nanking Self-Government Committee on January 1, 1938 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Nanking (1938 film)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク